Friday, December 9, 2011

Our new website

Well, it's taken me a long time to design and upload my website. I have no excuses except doing all the graphics, roasting and packaging and designing takes a lot of time! Now that all this is done, I can spend all my focus on roasting some of the best coffee available. That is the goal.
Thanks for checking our site and for buying our coffee!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My New Adventure!

Many of my friends have listened to me for years speak of my desire to do something fun in business. These ideas had always spun around the cycling world and my desire to be involved in bike sales. Well, things didn't work out that way. I still love two wheels, turning the pedals and pinning on a number, but I decided to go toward my other favorite habit. So, after years of being a spectator coffee junkie I am now a dedicated coffee roaster with my own company. I'm planning to have this blog as a record and diary of this new adventure. Join me as I roast coffee, play with my family and live life on Martha's Vineyard!